Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina are the new couple in town. After making their acting debut together in the film, The Archies in 2023, the duo has often been spotted together at public events, adding fuel to their dating rumours. Although both have not given any official confirmation, their social media handle says the opposite. Vedang Raina last appeared with Alia Bhatt in the film, Jigra, directed by Vasan Bala.
Vedang Raina shares beach vacation moments amid speculation of Khushi Kapoor’s presence
The actor, Vedang Raina, is enjoying his beach holiday following the movie’s release. The actor has been sharing glimpses of his happy life on his social media handle. Fans speculated that he was accompanied by Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariya, and his rumored lover, Khushi Kapoor.
Vedang Raina posted several photos from his beach trip on his Instagram account on October 29, 2024. In a rotating collection of pictures, he is shown swimming, snorkelling, and witnessing the golden hour. His vacation’s most impressive photo dump is proof that he’s having a great time. Vedang captioned the post, “I found Dory,” followed by a blue heart and wave emoji, and added the song Khaabon Ke Parindey in the background.
Fans speculate on Vedang Raina’s vacation companions, stirring buzz over his photos
This time, the fans’ response grabbed everyone’s attention more than the photo dump. Fans speculated that the Jigra star is now on vacation with Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariya, and his rumored girlfriend, Khushi Kapoor. A user wrote, “Khushi Kapoor takes good pictures”, while another fan speculated, “Together on a trip, Jhanhvi, Khushi and Vedang. He posts morning pics, and they post evenings”. A third fan complimented, “Khushi you are one lucky girl” and another fan gushed, “WHAT IS THIS EVEN???? I AM DROOLING”, while another fan exclaimed, “HATT JAO KHUSHI KAPOOR” and another user pointed out, ” All 4 of you are in maldives…..Beachy guyz”.
Khushi and Janhvi Kapoor channel Kardashian vibes in a playful video amid beach vacation posts
Notably, Khushi and Janhvi posted a humorous video on October 28, 2024, in which they mimicked Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian’s well-known phrases from Keeping Up With the Kardashians . They had previously posted a photo of themselves posing on the beach, and Shikhar Pahariya had posted a photo of himself standing in the ocean with his back to the camera.
Click here to watch the video.
On the work front, Vedang Raina and Khushi Kapoor joined the industry with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies . Khushi will next appear on screen alongside Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, in Advait Chandan’s untitled film, while Vedang was last seen in Jigra.
Could Vedang Raina and Khushi Kapoor’s frequent outings and social media moments hint at something more? Let us know!
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