Shweta Tiwari and Vishal Aditya Singh’s wedding photos shocked everyone in the nation. While it was hard to distinguish if they had actually gotten married or if it was fake, later, the truth came out, and everyone sighed in relief. However, these murmurs and fake pictures, definitely left people uncomfortable, but it didn’t have any affect on Shweta and Vishal’s friendship.
Vishal Aditya Singh talked about the morphed wedding photos with Shweta
Vishal Aditya Singh, who rose to superstardom with his stint on the reality show Bigg Boss 13, is known for his blunt nature. In an interview with India Forums, Vishal reacted to the fake wedding photos and shared that he had seen them. He added that he can only laugh at the photos and can’t do anything about it. Vishal was quoted as saying:
“Yes, I saw the pictures, too, and honestly, all I can do is laugh.”
Vishal further talked about his relationship with Shweta and added that he doesn’t need to explain anything to anyone as they will think what they want to. Further, Vishal revealed that he addresses Shweta as ‘Mom’, and they share great bond. He said:
“I don’t need to explain my relationship with Shweta because people will think whatever they want to. Shweta and I know the truth about our bond, why should I care about others’ opinions. Everyone who knows us understands that I call her ‘mom’ and we share a great bond. These viral pictures don’t bother me, just makes me laugh.”
Shweta Tiwari and Vishal Aditya Singh’s viral photos
For the unversed, on Novemebr 20, 2024, there were photos of Shweta and Aditya that went viral. In the photos, the duo were seen signing a registry document. However, the poor editing can clearly shows that it was morphed. However, for a split second it left everyone wondering.
Not only this, a fake picture of Shweta performing her pehli rasoi ritual also surfaced on the internet. But clearly, these fake photos were morphed and had no truth to them, it was shared by the duo’s fanpages.
Shweta Tiwari and Vishal Aditya’s singer personal lives
Shweta Tiwari had two failed marriages. The actress was earlier married to Raja Choudhary, and with him, she has a daughter, Palak Tiwari. Later, she married Abhinav Kohli after three years of dating him. However, they parted ways in 2018. They also have a son named Reyansh.
Talking about Vishal Aditya Singh, he was in a relationship with Madhurima Tulli but they had an ugly breakup and the stains of their relationship was seen on the reality show, Bigg Boss 13.
What do you think about Vishal’s revelation about his bond with Shweta Tiwar?
Next Read: Aishwarya Sharma Reveals Her Wedding Outfit Gave Her Anxiety, And She Even Fainted While Trying It
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